My meme is slowly growing. I never wanted a big boom because I wouldn’t have been able to supply quickly enough to keep up with demand. At the beginning of the year we were basically stuck around 200 likes on Facebook. It had been months since we saw any dramatic growth. Once class started I began posting more regularly and trying to interact with my audience on a regular basis. This showed great results and we now have over 300 likes and still growing.
One strategy that worked very well was the contest we held throughout November. We posted a picture of the next design we were printing and asked our Facebook fans to share the post. After 2 weeks we randomly selected 2 people who had shared the post and they received a free shirt with the new design. This worked very well because we had people sharing posts in different areas than we normally would be able to reach. One of our winners was a former UMO student who transfered to Colorada this year. He shared the post in a completely different area and we reached likes from that area, therefore broadening our market.
Strategies didn’t work to well were the generic posts. The ones that didn’t really say anything. I think for people to get involved there needs to be substance to what you post. On twitter, I tried to be funnier and have things that people would either want their friends to see or something they related to and could easy retweet to get how they were feeling out there. I found that our audience is primarily based out of Maine so tweets about snow, cold, ect. were received better than tweets about buying our merchandise.