Edge of Art, Autobotography

1-What are some of the reasons for a surge in digital autobiograpical production from “home pages” to “wearcams”?

Technology is always evolving. As the possibilities of where someone can capture footage increased so had the placed that people use it. Now that people are able to basically take their computers where ever they are, there is no need to only post while sitting at one, so something like the wearcam came about as a way for people to do the same thing they could on a homepage but anywhere and everywhere they were.

2-What is the role of autobotography vis-a-vis technology’s “narcotic effect”?

The boundary between human and technology is becoming finer and finer, thus some experts are beginning to think of us as cyborgs because of how technology is becoming a part of us and starting to define us.

“…and it is the job of autobotographers to chart the new edge between self and society.”

3-Jennicam gives us an example of the pleasures of self-disclosure, Mann’s WearCams give an example of the dangers of surveillance. Are there dangers in Jennifer Ringley’s work (or similar projects)? And what might those dangers be? Conversely, are there any pleasures in Stephen Mann’s WearCams?

Jennicam gave her audience full access to her life. She had very little secrets when it came to her day to day life. There are people in the world who could have begun to stalk her and were more interested in her life then their own and then done things to harm or control her. Almost like they were trying to take over her life or force themselves into hers. It would basically be doing all the research and stalking for a stalker and then charging them money monthly to do it. Wearcams i’m sure had a couple pleasures, like being able to keep track of all your friends and see how they are doing beyond safeties sake. They could comunicate and enjoy each other why not actually with each other. They could enjoy moments together like one their children’s first steps, or a first kiss on a date. The possibilities could be endless.

4-Explain how 2 of the blogging projects reshapes our sense of self, life, or writing.

Jennicam reshapes our idea of self and life because it was no longer only hers to live, by opening up her life for anyone to view all her private moments became public and she was had an audience to listen to and deal with (good or bad). Intimate moments with lovers were now public displays and it become voyeurism. There hadn’t been a reshaping like this before and it changed the internet and life forever.

In Life_Sharing your computer was no longer private, everything you do (which for me at least is A LOT) becomes public and people can look at all your deep, dark, digital secrets. You could no longer be alone on your computer, self was removed and we was replaced.

5-Pick one of the “moving self-portraits” and explain how the project evokes the mystery of our contemporary lives. What kinds of issues does the portrait raise?

Artist Statement by Young Hae Chang is a project to reveal the fascination of using the web as a medium for self-expression. It is an autobotography but also an interrogation of the link between self-publishing and multinationals, between desire and advertising, between self-absorption and connection to unknown neighbors. The issues this project raises form a question; are we sharing ourselves with the world or are we selling ourselves for profit?

6-Katherine Hayles speaks of the “post-human” in describing the cyborgian entities we have become. How do the artists of this chapter create autobotographies of this “post-human” cyborg? Consider, for example Life Sharing and [phage].

We become cyborgs because the technology become parts of their lives more then the average people. In Jennicam, Jennifer is filming everything. She no longer needs to remember every part of her home life because there is a video bank which has captured everything. She is constantly talking to the camera so even her thoughts, hopes, and dreams are part of the collection. She is taking part of the human experience out of living.

7-How do digital artists examine the commodification of the self? How has the self become another consumer good, or how does a human being get reduced to a “consumer”? Which digital projects raise theese questions and how do they do it?

Any of the projects were a person is selling personal time as a good. In Jennicam, Jennifer was selling her life for a fee each month, that is how we ourselves become another consumer good. No longer are we just a seller, our bodies, thoughts, and all around lives become the good that is being sold. Its more then just an experience because its everything, no secrets, no extras, just you. People either take you for what you are and don’t get involved. Webcams are what allowed Jennicam to come about but even a harddrive can be the technology like in Life_Sharing. Everything you do on your computer is recorded and contained in your harddrive, and when you sell that, you loose yourself t the consumer and become a “good.”

8-Describe the autobotography of “invented selves” or avatars. How do Female Extension and Darko Maver raise questions about the nature of digital selves. Why do they use invented selves and what are the reasons for doing so and the effects of their choices?

There are three reasons I can think of to create an internet persona.

1) To hide your identity to stay out of trouble. If you want to do something many people wouldn’t agree with then hiding your identity can be very useful because it allows you to say and do as you please without fear of receiving the backlash of your actions.

2) To create a hype. People are very curious by nature, they could follow someone’s activities just because they want to know more and find out all the facts. When they aren’t told the whole story they are more likely to gain interest and continue to follow to see what happens next. For example the rock group The Gorillas were a cartoon band that received a lot of publicity because they kept their identities hidden for years.

3) If you aren’t happy with yourself… Become someone else. By creating an avatar you can become someone else and be whoever you want to be. You’re no longer constrained by your past because your avatar has no past, its like wiping the slate clean.