“Anonymous is a loosely organized group of young computer experts once focused on just Internet freedom, has turned to more menacing attacks, including not only paralyzing websites but breaking in to steal data.”
I like to think of this group as a double edged sword. While one half is positive and brings about good change in the world through a group of people using their technology skills to keep freedom alive. They fight things like the SOPA act which would give governments power over the Internet. On the other side there is some negative where the group uses their skills (power) for “evil.” They steal documents and information that could be used in a bad way against a government or company. While sometimes using information negatively against some governments and companies can be for the better, governments were designed to keep order and keep the country running, these groupe could use the information for personal gain and not for the good of the country. This group could also use information to ruin a company who doesn’t “deserve” it. They could cause the downfall of a company and put people out of work due to a personal vendetta.
I think in the end this group will do the right thing with their power and they won’t misuse their skills for personal gain or settle a personal score.
I certainly knew about most of this, but never the less, I still considered it turned out valuable. Good blog!